Marketers have a helpful concept:

The Golden Thread.

I learned this from the American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI), who teach it and often talk about the golden thread.

It’s a common idea found in copy (such as a sales letter). The header, the proof, the rhetoric, the testimonials, even things like the “order now” button and the terms and conditions, all refer to it.

The result?

By constantly pulling on this string, the note builds and builds as the prospect reads it.

For example…

Let’s say you’re a sports psychologist and you offer a program that greatly increases someone’s strength through the power of the mind.

It covers everything from correcting common technical errors to harnessing the power of positive psychology.

Your theme, your Golden Thread, could help unlock someone’s potential. It takes them to a level of performance they would never reach on their own, no matter how many weights they lift or how many kettlebells they swing.

The title refers to her.

The same goes for the opening story.

And also each vignette, subtitle, image, testimonial…

Write it this way and your sales letter works on two levels:

Someone can take a look at it and immediately see what it is about. If they’re not interested, they never would have bought from you anyway. If they are interested, any one of these items sucks them in and compels them to keep reading.

And that’s where the other level comes in.

Each part they read builds on the thread, making the idea clearer in their mind.

Clarity around a solution creates powerful persuasion. Get this right, and some of your readers might still think about your offer, even if they’re interrupted before they buy.

No promises, given how distracted people are, but I can’t think of a better way to make your offer stick in their minds than this.

What gold thread is not
The goal of this single theme is to generate clarity.

You don’t do that by copying and pasting the phrase “unlock your physical potential” every few lines.

The theme is repeated, not the wording.

Outdated wording does not create clarity. It obscures it behind a veil of friction and boredom.

A theme repeats ideas, concepts, moods and elements, not a bunch of phrases.

So discover new ways to talk about your Golden Thread.

Fortunately, that’s not too difficult.

There’s a deep well of novelty talk at your fingertips…

How to repeat yourself without repeating yourself
Your offer, I guess, didn’t come out of nowhere.

You probably did market research to find the need. Maybe he dove deep into online forums, maybe his clients just asked him to create this product.

Then you probably tested it with a small group to see what works and what needs tweaking.

Listen to these people when they speak, because they have all the answers.

Each person with the problem you can solve is different.

They will have their own experiences, perspectives, expectations and language.

They will tell how to talk about unlocking someone’s physical potential, without using those words every time.

For some, they will focus on the problem: how they got stuck or putting in a lot of effort to get little results.

Others will talk about the transformation, like the first time they picked up a bar, clean and easy, that they had wrestled with before.

Still others will focus on how euphoric and empowered they feel right now.

And each of them will say it in a different way.

Use their language. Not only will it sound fresh, authentic, and enjoyable, but it will also allow you to tap into the common idea found in your marketing.

Pretending to “work smarter, not harder” is not an embarrassing cliché, because this is it. Your market will write parts of your copy for you…and they’ll do a better job than you.

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