In order to give an accurate tarot reading, you need to know an overview of the four minor arcana tarot card suits. And familiarize yourself with the generic character traits represented by the Four Card Tarot Suit of Cups, the Tarot Suit of Pentacles, the Tarot Suit of Wands, and the Tarot Suit of Swords.

The people represented by the tarot suit of swords, especially the King of Swords, are thinkers and intellectuals. King of Swords is an intelligent and well-educated man with a talent for eloquence and logical thinking. He will most often find you working in some professional capacity such as a lawyer, doctor, accountant or psychologist etc.

King of Swords has a brilliant and restless mind. He has a surplus of mental energy, to burn it off he needs constant mental stimulation and mental challenge by playing games like crosswords, chess and card games etc. The King of Blades’ sparkling wit and wide-ranging conversation can be enjoyable. King of Swords also represents people who care so much about law, order, and equality. They are negotiators concerned with fairness and giving disagreements a reason bias.

The King of Swords is an idealistic and inventive thinker to the point of being eccentric. They are drawn to progressive movements, politics, and visionary spiritual philosophies. And they are mostly linked to a group or organization concerned about the fate of humanity as a whole. When it comes to emotions, King of Swords is uncomfortable expressing them, it’s not that he doesn’t have feelings, they are capable of deep feelings but have a hard time expressing them. Thinking it is unacceptable and shameful.

When negative, King of Swords is a character who makes a destructive use of words, either generating written slander or spoken slander. King of Swords reversed in a tarot reading indicates a silver-tongued liar, who prefers to use their quills and mouths as weapons with the intent to hurt with words rather than physical violence.

Negatively, King of Swords depicts malicious, spiteful, and verbally abusive people. they can manifest as smooth-talking scammers and cheating partners. Your ever-changing or fickle mindset can be exhausting. They tend to disperse much of their energy in useless activities. King of Swords also represents guys who are power-hungry, extremely selfish, and don’t think about other people.

These are basic examples of the character traits of the people represented by the suits of the Swords-King of Swords tarot cards. Let me point out that real-life human beings are too complex to be categorized, but this is just kind of a helpful guide to easily know what general type of person an individual can be.

In order to give an accurate tarot reading, it is not only a prerequisite to have a full understanding of the meaning of each tarot card, to be familiar with the different tarot spreads, but also to have a basic understanding of the general outline of the characters represented by the tarot cards. four tarot. Minor Arcana card suits. Let me also point out that in order to offer an inspired interpretation of tarot cards, you also need to develop and improve your intuition. That’s basically the meaning of the King of Swords tarot card when you draw it in a tarot reading.

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