Seaweed like Dulse is very popular in Eastern cultures like Japan, Korea, and China. For this reason, many health problems facing Americans today are mostly non-existent for these people. This seaweed is red in color and has a spicy and salty taste. Making it a tasty addition to add to your kitchen.

Due to its high amounts of nutrition, minerals, vitamins and therapeutic properties, Dulse is an important element for powdered supplements and superfoods. My favorite way to obtain this plant is by taking it in powdered form and mixing it with fresh juice.

Here are 10 amazing health benefits of Dulse

1) High content of vitamins and minerals: specifically vitamins B6, B12, A, iron, potassium, phosphorus and manganese

2) Helps Heal Deficient Digestive Systems

3) Rebuilds and maintains all the glands in the body

4) Cleanses the Body of Heavy Metals

5) Increases metabolism and helps lose weight

6) Also High in Calcium, Fiber, and Protein

7) Supports Healthy Brain Function

8) Very High in Iodine for Healthy Thyroid Function

9) Great for adding flavor to cooking.

10) Heals and improves the Liver

More about the liver

Many of my studies have focused on the liver and how important it is to our bodies and good health. Our livers are responsible for so much that we absolutely need to be more aware of how to keep it healthy. Our liver breaks down all of our food, cleanses toxins from our body, processes all of our sensory stimuli, and is our heat furnace. It is the only organ in the body that can regenerate.

Our current health care system is structured around pain relievers, antibiotics, and medications for everything you can imagine. These pills are extremely harsh on our books. Combine these medications with the use of alcohol, drugs, heavy metals, and pesticides, you have the perfect formula to kill your liver early.

Our livers are extremely abused in our society, and adding Dulse to your diet can play an important role in helping our bodies and livers heal.

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