Many people tend to oversimplify the motivations of American voters. They often seem to look at candidates etc. in terms of black and white, when in reality there are often many shades of grey. We often witness that pre-election polls show results that are very different from those that really count. Both before the election and after the results are revealed, many wonder what happened and why, yet they rarely learn any lessons and repeat the same mistakes, over and over again! There are many reasons why voters vote the way they do, but this article will attempt to analyse, consider, examine, review and briefly discuss 6 essential emotional reasons why people vote the way they do.

1. Fear of minorities: Fragments from many religious books warn us against the dangers and errors of proceeding with xenophobiaHowever, it seems that the fear of minorities and the so-called dangers of foreign influences and foreigners influence voting options. Even though this nation was founded as a Melting Pot, many individuals don’t seem to care! Former President Donald Trump seemed to have figured out how to get us politically out of this, often mouthing off, blaming and complaining, to a variety of minorities and foreigners, for everything he believed would serve his personal interests. / political advantage, and/or self-interest, and articulate statements, such as, Bad men, etc., seemed to have inspired some and brought to light their fears and hatreds.

2. Racial Bias and Anti-Semitism/Hate Crimes: In recent years, we have apparently witnessed more hate crimes than at any time in recent memory! If they feel better about themselves behaving this way, or if their racial bias justifies (in their heads) systemic racism and anti-Semitism, it’s certainly not the American way!

3. Believing in rhetoric and empty promises: Pete Townsend created the famous lyrics, Can’t be fooled again Yet too many Americans continue to vote, relying on the rhetoric, lies, distortions, and often empty promises articulated by certain candidates, instead of taking the time and/or effort to demand viable, relevant solutions. , and sustainable!

4. Oversimplification problems: Too many seek to think and consider the issues, in terms of black and white, instead of considering the true priorities, and what is most relevant, sustainable and possible ramifications in the future! Many voters pay little attention to what is needed and needed, voting based solely on the degree of populist messaging and policies!

5. Blame and complain. instead of solutions: The inherent dangers of accepting and resorting to blaming and complaining, instead of proactively addressing obstacles/challenges, in a timely manner, and perceiving and conceiving the true and best way forward, jeopardizes our nation’s future, etc! .!

6. Looking for the path of least resistance, instead of the best path, forward: Too many people seek the path of least resistance and enjoy staying within the self-imposed restrictions of their personal comfort zone, accepting the path of least resistance, rather than following the better path, go ahead!

Unfortunately, many vote, based on emotional factors, instead of the common good! Until/unless we start, prioritizing, seeking a meeting of minds, for the common good, and proceeding with an open mind, willing to compromise, in a more pragmatic way, our way of life, is at – risk!

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