What are the similarities between work and energy in physics?

Let us start with the definition of work and energy in Physics. Work is a physics word that defines the transfer of energy which arises when an object is pushed across a distance by an external force exerted in part of the displacement direction. If the force acting along the path is constant, work may be determined by multiplying the length of the path by the component of the force acting along the way. The work W proves to be equal to the force f times the distance d, or W = fd, to signify this notion numerically. It is to be noted that the work done is W = fd cos θ if the force is applied at an angle to the displacement. Work on a body is achieved not only by moving the body as a whole from one location to another, but it is also done by compressing a gas, spinning a shaft, and even by utilizing an external magnetic force to cause invisible motions of the particles within a body. There is no work, as defined in this context, unless the object is displaced in some way and a component of the force is applied along the route the item is moved. Because there is no displacement, holding a heavy item immobile does not impart energy to it. Because the force is at a right angle to the displacement, holding the end of a rope on which a heavy item is being swung around in a circle at constant speed does not transmit energy to the object. In either situation, no work is completed.

Mathematical expression for work

The mathematical expression for work is determined by the conditions. The work done in compressing a gas at constant temperature may be represented as the product of pressure P and volume change dV, or W = PdV. W = T is the product of the torque and the angular displacement done by a torque T in rotating a shaft through an angle. Labor on a body equals an increase in the body’s energy, because work delivers energy to the body. The work is seen as negative if the force acting is in opposition to the object’s motion, implying that energy is being taken from it.Work is measured in the same units as energy, for instance, joule in the SI and the metre-kilogram-second system; erg in the centimetre-gram-second system; and foot-pound in the English system.It can be potential, kinetic, electrical, thermal, chemical, radioactive, as well as many more types.

Conversion of energy

There is both heat and work—that is, the transfer of energy from one body to another—involved in this process. Once it has been delivered, energy is always classified according to the sort of energy it is. Heat exchanged can be turned to thermal energy, and work performed may be transformed to mechanical energy. All forms of energy may be traced back to motion. Kinetic energy, for instance, is a property of an object moving. Bows & springs have the ability to move even when they are at rest because of their tensioned configurations. For this reason, nuclear power is also known as potential energy since it is derived from the atom’s nucleus. When energy is converted from one state to another, it is not created or destroyed.The conservation of energy, or the first rule of thermodynamics, is the name given to this principle. When a box slides down a hill, for example, the potential energy it possesses from being high up on the slope is transformed to kinetic energy, or motion energy. The kinetic energy from the box’s motion is transferred to thermal energy, which warms the box and the slope when it comes to a halt due to friction. Other methods of converting energy from one form to another exist. Many types of technologies, such as fuel-burning heat engines, generators, batteries, fuel cells, and magnetohydrodynamic systems, create usable mechanical or electrical energy. A lot of articles deal with energy. You must study principles of physical science, thermodynamics, mechanics,and energy conservation for gaining deep information on the evolution of the idea of energy and the principle of energy conservation.

Know how to solve this question:

A light body and a heavy body have the same momentum, which of the two bodies will have greater kinetic energy?

In order to move an item, energy must be transmitted to it. Energy may be transferred in the form of force. Work or work done refers to the quantity of energy delivered by a force to move an item. As a result, Work and Energy have a direct relationship. That is, the difference in an object’s Kinetic energy is work done by the item.

You must now distinguish between the term’s “energy” and “work.” The capacity to supply force and a change in distance to an item is referred to as work. Energy, on the other hand, is defined as the ability to provide or produce work. The force components and displacement have a symbiotic connection. Energy, on the other hand, is the consequence of the effort done.

These are the basics concepts of physic which you must know. To understand these topics, you can also take help of the best online learning platform.

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