Navigating your future Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie through the entertainment industry may not be easy. But knowing where to look and what to avoid when trying to land acting jobs for your child will make a world of difference. Here are 3 of the best places to keep your child working in the business.

Find acting jobs for kids online:

The internet is a crowded place with many acting jobs for kids available. The trick, however, is being able to tell if the jobs listed are quality and legitimate. Two things to note here.

First, some acting job listing sites will require a monthly membership fee to access the listings or submit your child. Some of the big players charge a membership fee, so you can’t write them off right away. Your best bet is to do your due diligence by carefully reading the claims on their website. If they have a trial period, take it. If they have a customer service number or email address, please contact them if you have questions about their member success rate and the quality of their listings.

Follow this up with an internet search for the company name. Google it and see what others have experienced with them.

You should also visit message boards that discuss the topic or list acting jobs for children. Ask around, trust your instincts and you should be fine with this one.

Second, whether you find acting jobs through a membership site or for free, you’ll need to determine if the company is making false claims to scam you. Some of the more common tricks to look out for include getting you to shell out unnecessary money on extra classes or photos from the vendors they are affiliated with.

Find acting jobs for kids by networking:

Enrolling your child in an acting class will bring many benefits down the road. Your budding artist will gain valuable knowledge, experience, and techniques in the classroom, and you can add this training to her resume. This could easily put them ahead of another child who might be competing for the same role.

Now this is where you come in. The net! What does this mean? In the simplest form, talk to other parents and talk to teachers. Ask them directly where they find acting jobs for kids. Get involved and you’ll be surprised at how much information people are willing to share and how much you’ll learn just by asking.

Find acting jobs for kids through an agent:

If your child has a unique look, incredible talent, or just charms people, they may be able to win a coveted spot within an agency. This will certainly be the best place (and your best bet) to find acting jobs for kids. Why? If your child has something special, the agent will do most of the dirty work for you.

As part of the proper management agency or company, your child will be sent to auditions arranged by the agent. You no longer have to search online to find acting jobs. Your child’s agent will have access to a large number of day jobs that are not listed online.

Here are three of the best places to find acting jobs for kids. Trust your judgment, use your gut feeling, and properly investigate people and their claims. Stay away from people and companies that just want your money and you will save yourself a lot of time, headaches, and er, money!

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