For many people, being in a relationship gives them a sense of identity, purpose, and belonging. They feel that having that special someone, no matter how much commitment it takes, allows them to fit comfortably into their social group, especially if everyone in their circle is associated. Being single can feel lonely, lonely, and a stranger.

– Allowing pressure to build up to partner It can distract you into making bad decisions, feeling driven to flirt with someone out of a feeling of need. That might be fine in the short term as a temporary fix, offering companionship for a time, but it’s important to recognize that for what it is.

Too often people feel deprived when a relationship ends. Even the end of a bad relationship can seem like a failure, generating fear, apprehension, anxiety. There may be concerns about the future; Will I meet someone else? How long will I be alone? Should I have tried harder or continued with the relationship I had?

– But there is no lonelier place than a loveless marriage, where a person stays for financial reasons, for fear of being alone or for disturbing children or family. The tension, underlying resentment, hostility, or constant fighting can make the family very unhappy. There is nothing “special” about a relationship that lacks love or mutual respect.

When we are desperate to find that special someone, it can cause more problems than it solves. Defining ourselves and others through the state of our relationship can lose the real sense of having someone important to share our life with. That person must add value, not provide the sole reason for our existence.

– Some people may even enter our lives purely temporarily. As such, they can provide us with the impetus to get through a bad situation, get us excited to review our lives, change careers, update our image, introduce us to exciting new hobbies and interests. But once it’s on track, they may just fade out of our orbit.

Other people may be friends or lovers of good weather, which is great when things are going well, but not great in stormy times. They can’t or won’t deal with any of our messes, problems, or complications. Conversely, there are those people who love nothing more than training, problem solving and fixing ourselves, the friends and lovers of bad weather who enjoy deep and meaningful sessions, but don’t care much about having fun or socializing.

Being in a relationship with either of them can work well for a while, but it is unlikely to be a long-term solution to the state of your relationship. But equally, not all special relationships have to be permanent.

– An important step is to ask yourself what you want from a relationship.; Do you really need someone special? Does your life literally revolve around having a partner in your life? Does the status of your relationship define who you are? What do you think about this? It is important to know if you are prepared to wait for the right person to arrive, no matter how long it may take.

Some people may be focused on getting married or living together permanently, for others that would be too intrusive. Some may want a constant partner in which they do everything together, discuss everything, share all aspects of their lives, but others like to maintain a certain independence and separation, enjoying specific moments together, such as vacations or weekends, but living their lives. own lives at other times. .

– To find our special someone it’s good to start working on yourself. Ask yourself who is the most important person in your life. Even if you still have young children, it is better if the answer is you. When you feel good about yourself, healthy, happy, and at peace, everyone in your life benefits.

Then you discover that your quality of life improves and you realize that you would rather be alone than with someone who is not right for you, who does not support you, or brings negative energy into your home. Being alone is better than enough either, once you are comfortable in your own company.

– When you learn to love yourself finds ways to communicate his thoughts and feelings to others and is able to define appropriate limits of treatment and acceptable and unacceptable behavior. His desperate need for someone special diminishes and he can be more selective and demanding, able to find someone who complements him and adds value to his life.

You become clearer about the things you will and will not accept. Sure, some things that annoy others may be fine with you; it is good that you know and it can help you to be more clear about what you want from a partner.

It is liberating to realize that a special person is only special because they are the right person for you. So the relationship becomes a wonderful result and addition, rather than a necessity, in your life.

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