It’s not about jumping off bridges or walking on broken glass … Well, it is, read on.

Fear is a natural mechanism with which we are fortunate to be programmed to serve us in dangerous situations …

Crossing a busy highway because you ran out of gas and need to get to a gas station!

Your child runs down a busy street to chase a ball!

Natural disaster!

Seeing someone drowning or having a heart attack!


We are not given this emotion to limit ourselves. We are designed to be limitless! Have you seen the movie “Limitless” starring Bradley Cooper? He is an author who was paid an advance for a book that he has not been able to write and his life quickly collapses. You get a drug that allows you to learn all you want and produce results. Check it out if you haven’t seen it or watch it again. We have been created to do more than we think we can …

Let me explain ..

As I explained, my wife and I have tried every weight loss program on the market. H * G, Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers yada yada yada … We created a false fear mechanism that all programs are the same and we won’t see any results, why bother! What if this doesn’t work? What if I gain more weight than I lost like the other program?

We associate feelings with experiences. I can be afraid of spiders (which I don’t have) and you love spiders. If a spider crawls on you, you smile (that’s your associated feeling) if one crawls on me, I panic and think I’m having a heart attack, this is what we do in everyday life. You would tell me why you have scars that they are the most beautiful 8-legged animals in the world. I look at you with a blank stare and may or may not give you some choice words … Change the spider in the story for anything: dogs, cats, bats, ghosts, snakes, money, lose weight, etc. etc …

Imagine a situation that makes your heart beat irregularly and makes you sweat … Are you thinking about it?

Does it feel like it happened again?

Now try this exercise: remember the very situation you are afraid of. Now instead of getting personal, imagine that you are in a comedy movie starring Adam Sandler or Ben Stiller. Imagine that you are in the audience laughing at them going through what you went through the same situation. After doing this a couple of times and once you get it, you will be “UNLIMITED”. This is one of the techniques that made Tony Robbins famous and helped him lose over 100 pounds and become a world-renowned inspirational speaker!

You can also do the same with positive experiences. Think about the mind of a young child for a minute. They don’t really get the word NO (no matter how severe you say it). They will ask you 20 times the same thing because they have realized that you will say YES, which will give them the positive experience they once had. So imagine that you have a positive experience for what you want out of life. We have the ability to ask for and receive what we want and want.

of life as long as it doesn’t hurt or hurt anyone else.

This is where the rubber meets the road! Set a positive expectation for your life!

What is your weight loss story?

What size of clothing will you wear (bikini / business suits, etc.)

What do you want out of life?

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