“I am the King of the World!” Said Jack. As ironic as it is, that the third class utters those words, especially in our society of divisions and dying unity. James Cameron’s Titanic is one of the most successful academic award winning films and considered the highest grossing film since its release in 1997. It became a hit with viewers due to its cinematography and oozing chemistry between Kate Winslet (Rose ) and Leonardo DiCarpio (Jack) portraying the tragic love story of a rich man and a poor man separated by class. The film shows what happens if our society distinguishes people by their wealth and position. This becomes evident through the characterization of the upper and lower classes and how the gaps affect people and their survival.

84 years have passed since the tragedy occurred. Rose DeWitt Bukater, one of the survivors, discovered that American ocean explorers were searching for details about the famous shipwreck that occurred on the most luxurious passenger ship named RMS Titanic on April 10, 1912. She knew about the discovery of her painting and was met with explorers. Then he recalled his experiences of being a high-class passenger on the Titanic with his mother, Ruth De Witt Bukater, and her fiancé Caledon Hockley; also, her connection to a third-class passenger, Jack Dawson, who won a ticket to the United States before the ship began to sail. 1500 people were on the ship, some first class, others restricted to the lower decks where windows were limited. The passengers aboard the Titanic had high hopes, not because it was considered “the unsinkable ship,” but because they were leaving their past behind and preparing for a new life in America. Saying that she is a fine and decent lady, Rose cannot disagree or share her thoughts. Rose was sick of the feeling that no one could hear her, until Jack arrived. Jack finally saved her from the idea of ​​drowning and loneliness. They enjoyed each other’s company even though being involved with each other seemed like a sin to others. Jack taught her many things: to be happy and to be content with the little things. Rose adored Jack and couldn’t deny her feelings for him. Their love arose when Rose asked Jack to draw her as one of his “French girls” wearing only the rarest diamond, the Heart of the Ocean. There was no denying a romantic love story between Jack and Rose, so Cal became jealous of Jack and looked for a way to keep them apart. He succeeded. It wasn’t long before the Titanic collides with a large iceberg and begins to sink. The boats are not enough to rescue all the people and first people were prioritized. Rose thought about going back for Jack. As the ship descends into the depths of the ocean, Jack and Rose must fight death from the icy water and wait for a rescue ship. They both got off the ship, but only Rose survived when Jack was frozen to death before the rescue boat arrived. Their love story started early but ended earlier than expected. Despite all that, Rose still cherishes all the memories with him as he throws the “Heart of the Ocean” into the sea.

From the beginning of the story, the gaps between classes are shown when Rose got out of the elegant vehicle preparing to get on board, while Jack, on the other hand, was still gambling and wanting to win the ticket to America with his best friend, Fabrizio. . Fortunately, he won. Touring the chamber showed the interior of the Titanic. It was too large and elegant to accommodate all passengers, but since it is divided into classes, first-class passengers were its top priority. They have companions around, expensive chandeliers, special gatherings, and people in costumes. Everything about Titanic seemed special, for first-class people, of course. Rotating the camera in the third class area was very different. It wasn’t anything special, but for third-class passengers, the wicker beds and tight spaces meant a lot. In the story, Jack and Rose symbolize the two classes, first class (rich) and third class (poor), while Ruth and Cal are the forces that keep the two apart and the main causes of discrimination. RMS Titanic symbolizes our divisive society and the iceberg is the problem. The ship was considered the “unsinkable ship” that carried people full of dreams and hopes of a new life. With that label, the Titanic ironically sank and did not reach its destination. Believing that Jack saved her, Rose adored him and invited him to dinner with the upper class. Jack was happy to be in a meeting with Rose, but joining the crowd in suits and ties that define his level of formality and his courage seemed quite unusual. Jack and Rose left the elegant meeting and left with the group of third-class passengers. It wasn’t great, but the party was livelier and the joy was real. Rose danced and laughed with them and felt the happiness she had never felt before. The movie showed that luxury cannot buy true happiness. But since society is harsh and discriminatory, Rose was told to draw her attention to Jack because he was only third-class. Her mother, Ruth, hates the idea of ​​Rose being around third class. Consequently, the two can no longer deny their feelings and Cal, being a wealthy and manipulative man, put a tactic to stop his fiancé and Jack’s love story. Jack, on the other hand, can’t do anything because he had no power. The ship hit the iceberg and was about to sink, so humility and justice. First-class passengers were prioritized, with third-class passengers locked out and waiting for their turn. Other passengers were searching for the ship destined for first class even though the ship was about to sink. The ships were not enough, but others sailed in few passengers to save the lives of the rich. In the end, from a distance, the saved passengers looked at the “unsinkable ship” seeing many people drowning in the sea. The iceberg was unexpected and is supposed to have sunk, but if only people were treated fairly and others were not selfish, many could have been saved and many dreams could have been pursued. The theme of the story is that differences in societies create gaps and gaps create inequality that leads to a society drowning in selfishness. People’s position determined their survival, but we all know that the rich weren’t just the people who deserved to live. In the movie, the gaps between classes were demonstrated to the very end.

Titanic was indeed a great story and no one could deny how it captured the hearts of many viewers. It was not only a powerful story of love and survival, but also about the disease of our society: injustice and division. Our society will never prosper and achieve our goals if we continue to divide ourselves and weigh our wealth. Our hopes and dreams will sink to nothing if we never unite. We will not succeed and our journey will end if we continue to discriminate and set limits between ourselves. It is true that problems are inevitable, but if we come together fully, we can mitigate the consequences and face the challenge wholeheartedly. We are all the kings of the world, we can be the savior of our nations and lead to success. The story of Jack and Rose still continues as it continues to be a revelation for us to cut the divided classes and fill in the gaps with love and humility to have a wonderful journey to success. Have a good trip to our society!

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