The proof is in the pudding, ninety percent of society in 2012 owns a smartphone. It has been predicted that by 2013, more people will be using mobile phones than PCs. Every business with an online presence has noted the huge increase in mobile searches since the smartphone explosion in 2011. iPhones and Androids compete head-to-head in retail stores. The leader in this new age mobile boom, of course, Google. The Google company has evolved, it has created Googlebot Mobile, which is a web crawler designed specifically for mobile devices. This is amazing news for website owners who have tapped into the mobile market and created a mobile version of their website.

the numbers on the wall

Ninety-five percent of smartphone users search for local information. Sixty-one percent of users call a business after searching, and fifty-nine visit the location, and ninety percent of these people acted within 24 hours, according to Google. These numbers are staggering and make pennies (sense, lol) to invest in a mobile site.

Best practices for a mobile website:

1. Keep it fast
2. Simplify navigation
3. Be thumb friendly
4. Design for visibility
5. Make it accessible
6. Go Local
7. Click to call function
8. Seamless
9. Use mobile site redirects
10. Learn, listen and iterate

Many website owners believe that there is no need for a mobile version of their website if their website can be viewed on a cell phone. Don’t get it ladies and gentlemen, there is a difference between a website on a mobile device and a mobile website. When you reduce your intent to impress your mobile visitors, your mobile website downloads faster. Mobile users expect a mobile site to load in three seconds or less, otherwise they’ll go to a competitor’s site, ouch!

How do you make your site load faster? Cut down on unnecessary images and long content. Now that you’ve succeeded in driving them to your site, now it’s time to get them intrigued enough to click on your number, which should have the “Click to Call” feature (#7 above). Speed ​​and clarity are what mobile visitors are looking for. Remember they are mobile, on the go and ready to do business!

Googlebot mobile searches for smartphone-specific content. Tailor your mobile site content to what Googlebot crawls and you’ll get the best search engine results geared towards smartphone users. Having trouble accessing the first page of Google on a desktop? A good strategy is to customize your mobile site’s SEO to Googlebot’s specifications and you’ll be on the first page of Google’s mobile search engine. Also remember that location is key when optimizing your mobile site.

Googlebot is smart enough to even have a feature called “skip redirect” for mobile users. Many websites have a redirect link to your mobile site when people find your site in a Google search. This causes a huge delay and a frustrated mobile user. (Google treasures the experience of its users). To address this issue, you can now use the “skip redirect” feature and be taken directly to the mobile site eliminating the delay issue. Giving the user a smoother experience!

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