We all know the phrase ‘not tonight honey, I have a headache’, but what is not widely known is that both women and men are simply not in the mood to have sex. It can be a difficult and complicated situation to avoid having sex without hurting another person or going through a dramatic scene. There are many ways to avoid having sex, regardless of whether you are single or in a relationship. Some situations may differ, but they all involve the same underlying idea: clear communication.


The main goal for you is to avoid having sex without completely closing the door on a future possibility. The latest fad for avoiding sex is a lifestyle choice: being ‘re-virginized’ or celibate. This may seem a bit extreme, but many single people choose this over the constant disappointment of one-night stands and morning walks of shame. It also takes the pressure off of having to come up with a lame excuse for someone you don’t know well. It ensures that the other person doesn’t take it personally and will definitely respect you in the morning.


Clearly, there is no way you can use the excuse of celibacy to avoid having sex. In relationships, the best thing to focus on is why you want to avoid having sex. Is it physical? When you work intensely, it seriously affects your sexual desire. He is a doctor? Explain in detail to your partner and try to find solutions together. Are you bored with your sex life? Some couples are afraid to ask for things in the bedroom or to criticize the other person. If something doesn’t work for you, you have to fix it. If it’s a request, start small, with suggestions, and gauge your reception. It will build your confidence to broach the subject. If it’s a complaint, always start with what you like and then make the changes you need.

There are times in our sex life when we are not completely interested in having sex, and we should (politely) avoid having sex. By being graceful and very clear with the other person, there should be fewer hard feelings or drawn-out dramatic arguments. It will also help you increase your chances of romping in the next room, when you don’t want to avoid having sex. It could also help your relationship in the long run, solving unresolved issues or building a new relationship without sexual distractions.

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