If you’re like me, I’m pretty sure seeing the word “free” makes you feel something.

How many of us have ever dreamed of entering the Ellen Degeneres 12 Days of Sweepstakes over the holiday season? What about Oprah’s favorite things? Overwhelmingly, people seem to go all out and are almost willing to sell their firstborn son for something for free. I’m a regular on cruises all year long and nothing excites me more than getting something for free in a contest or just for getting on the ship, even though I know I’ll never use the item. Truly, free feels good. Why would that be any different in the realm of the psychic?

In my experience as a psychic, I have found that people enjoy the opportunity to ask a free psychic question or get a free psychic reading. The offer is quite tempting: Potentially find out something about your future that you might not otherwise have known, that may catch you off guard or even surprise you. All this without personal investment on your part. In fact, I have no problem giving someone a free reading.

However, my policy regarding free readings and free psychic questions may be a little different than others. I will absolutely do them with the understanding that what I am going to give you will be fairly succinct and not crammed with a ton of detail. I tend to trade this day as a matter of principle and fairness. There are those who choose to do paid readings with me, and frankly, it would be more than a little shady to give a person who asks for a free psychic question an answer with the same level of attention or detail that I give to those who choose to do so. paid readings.

I also understand that there are people whose sole purpose in a free psychic question is to test the accuracy of their chosen psychic before they choose to invest monetarily in the psychic. This is one of the main reasons why many of my contemporaries tend to avoid doing free psychic readings and questions. Many find these tests insulting or like they are being used and I understand where my colleagues are coming from; this method can be unpleasant. I am of the school of thought that as long as the psychic’s time is respected and not taken advantage of, a free psychic question is harmless. After all, we test drive vehicles before we buy them.

All this said, doing readings for free or otherwise is always an investment of time and energy on your psychic’s part, so you should always be in a position to tip your psychic for nothing more than the time and energy they spend. invested in doing a reading for you.

There are those among us who do readings as a business opportunity and there is nothing wrong with that. This is a gift and just like singers and other artists get paid to share their gift, your psychic should also be compensated in some way whether they give you a free psychic question or not.

Feel hurt and be fair.

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