Liposolve is a fabulous word, much better than FatMelter. But that’s exactly what this relatively new cosmetic procedure does: it melts and then burns excess fat on your body, so you don’t have to.

Liposolve has the potential to take the world of non-invasive cosmetic surgery by storm, surpassing liposuction in the stakes of fat removal. How? Simply put, it works by injecting a potion of fat-dissolving drugs into the body, causing the fat to melt away and eventually disappear completely.

However, how he can achieve this feat is being discussed. Its creators say it evolved from a recipe made in the 1950s with largely homeopathic ingredients that are completely safe. Skeptics say it’s made largely of a fat-dissolving substance called phosphatidylcholine, along with other ingredients not listed on the label.

Whatever the case, some say it’s a new miracle cure, others say it’s dangerous. It has not yet been approved by the FDA, although plastic surgeons who use Liposolve have complained that it is simply because the FDA approves only products, not procedures. While some Liposolve veterans have fantastic experiences with it, others say there are complications, including lumps that never go away, and persistent pain in the area.

“I had an injection in my love handles and tummy a year ago, and in both areas I’m flabbier than ever,” “franny 318” wrote recently on a cosmetic surgery site. “Also, I have hard nodules in my stomach and lower back that just won’t dissolve. It was a huge mistake and I wish I never did it.”

In fact, some medical professionals say that the term Liposolve is used to describe any of a number of fat-burning cocktails, including a naturally produced “human compound” that is injected into the skin to melt fat and, as a result, it is completely unregulated. So tread carefully, or you may get into something you wish you hadn’t!

A Liposolve Journey

Having Liposolve injections is not that fun. Here are the steps involved:

1. After an initial consultation with the doctor, you will be taken to the clinical area where the site will be numbered.

2. The practitioner or doctor will inject you with Liposolve, angling the needle under the skin to distribute the contents. The fat is then released into the body’s bloodstream, where it is eventually burned by the body.

3. Once you get the injections, the area becomes red, swollen and hard, supposedly that means it’s working.

4. Massage the swollen areas daily to break up the nodules and empty them.

5. After a few days, these side effects will disappear. However, you may experience diarrhea, especially if you received injections in the abdominal area. And some people vomit after each treatment, while others experience flu-like symptoms, feeling like they’ve been “hit by a truck.”

6. You will need at least four and up to eight treatments for it to work at its best. Treatments should be at least several weeks apart, preferably at least four weeks.

Please note that some people have experienced an allergic reaction to Liposolve. An allergy test must be done at least 48 hours in advance. Insist on one!

Areas that can be treated with Liposolve include:

* belly

* love handles


* face (including double chin)

* arms


* thighs

Please note that Liposolve is designed to treat smaller, stubborn areas of fat that will not go away by other means. If you have large areas of fat that you want to remove, try liposuction, or maybe a little diet and exercise!

Reported Advantages of Lipsolve

* The sessions are much shorter than those of liposuction, with an average duration of about 15 minutes.

* The result is much more elegant than the results with liposuction, which can leave skin lumpy and bumpy.

* Liposolve is non-invasive and downtime is much shorter

* Compared to liposuction, Liposolve is much more affordable, averaging $300-$500 per treatment

*Reported Disadvantages of Liposolve

* Compared to diet, Liposolve is more expensive

* It is not FDA approved and can be dangerous since you don’t really know what you are putting inside those little syringes.

* May result in persistent pain in the area

* The treated area may become, and remain, bumpy and bumpy.

* There is always a risk of infection when you break the skin.

Many people who visit medical spas to remove excess fat and cellulite have considered getting liposuction as a way to melt away those stubborn fatty areas. Liposolve promises an alternative to liposuction that appears less invasive, cheaper, and with shorter downtime.

Simply put, Liposolve is a type of mesotherapy, or a specialty that targets stubborn problem areas with microinjections of various concoctions. But does it really keep its promise? Do your research, find a clinic you like, and make up your mind: never go into treatment where something is injected into your body without doing all your homework first!

You can save a lot of time (and money, and even physical and mental anguish) by investing in a proper diet and exercise program. And if there are still areas of stubborn fat that are clinging no matter what, learn to live with them! Now there’s a new idea…

The information in the article is not intended to be a substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your healthcare provider. We encourage you to discuss any decision about treatment or care with an appropriate medical professional.

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