The chronic alcoholic must first of all make a firm resolution to stop drinking. You must abstain from alcohol at once because the habit cannot be eliminated in gradual stages.

The most effective way to treat alcoholism is to build nutritional integrity soaps of the body to
prevent craving for stimulants such as beverages. Patients should undergo a cleansing juice fast for
at least ten days at first. During this period, you should drink juice from one orange every
two hours from 8 am to 8 pm The juice can be diluted with warm water, if desired. orange yew
juice does not agree, vegetable juices can be taken. Each day during the fast, the intestines should be
cleaned of effect and poisonous matter thrown out by the self-cleaning process established by the
Body. This can be accomplished with a warm water enema.

During the juice fast, the patient will generally not crave alcohol. This will give you a good 10
start of the day towards breaking the drinking habit and would help eliminate not only the physical
dependency, but also psychological factors. After the initial juice fast, the optimal diet for
vital nutrients is essential. Such a diet should consist of whole grains, cereals, nuts, seeds and
sprouts, fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is advisable that at the start of treatment the patient be given a suitable substitute for
relieve the craving if and when such a craving occurs. The best substitute drink for alcohol is a
glass of fresh fruit juice, sweetened with honey, if desired. In the alternative, healthy sweets
can be taken. The patient should always have juice, candy, or other snacks readily available for
should be taken between meals if you crave a stimulant.
All refined foods such as sugar, white rice, macaroni and white flour products, and meat should
be avoided. The patient should eat several small meals a day instead of two or three large meals.
and avoid strong seasonings like pepper, mustard, and chili. must not smoke as
this will only increase your desire for alcohol.

Apples are considered valuable in the treatment of alcoholism as their use removes intoxication.
and reduces the craving for wine and other intoxicating liquors. Raw celery juice is also
considered useful. It has a sobering effect and is an antidote to alcohol.
In addition to proper nutrition, a lot of rest and outdoor exercises are necessary. the healthy
the condition of the appetite center, which controls the craving for alcohol, improves with exercise.
Yogic asans for general health such as padmasan, vajrasan, vakrasan, paschimotanasan,
yogamudra, bhuajangasan, halasan and shalabhasana and yogic kriyas such as jalneti, kunjal and
Simple pranayamas like kapalbhati, anuloma-viloma, shitali and sitkari will be beneficial.

Drink plenty of water, hot pads on the belly and abdomen with a wet girdle
between applications are also effective water treatments for alcoholism.

And finally, it will be advisable to follow the ten commandments to prevent alcoholism, offered by
psychiatrist Dr. William B. Terhune. These are:

never drink when you ‘need one’;

sips slowly;

space out your drinks, having a second drink 30 minutes later
the first and a third one hour after the second;

dilute your alcohol;

keep an accurate and truthful record of the amount and
number of drinks you have;

never hide the amount of alcohol you drink;

do not drink on an empty stomach;

stop drinking on the ‘sign’ (signs are lunch, dinner, fatigue, sexual stimulation, boredom, frustration, and bedtime);

make a rule of never having a drink to escape discomfort, whether physical or mental; Y

never, ever take a drink in the morning thinking it will cure your hangover.

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