Many people who choose CNA training as an option choose it because they really want their primary career to be CNA, however, there are also a handful of people who use the CNA profession to transition into other areas of the healthcare profession.

However, one of the main problems with using CNA training as a springboard is that it is not cheap. Training to become a fully certified nursing assistant can cost several thousand dollars, although the overall course is relatively short compared to most others. That’s where organizations like the Red Cross come into play.

The Red Cross is a global organization based in various countries around the world, providing a base for people to take free first aid training and classes. In America, they also offer FREE CNA training to qualified individuals through hands-on and classroom training, enabling you to gain the skills needed to become a fully certified Nursing Assistant. The main skills taught by the American Red Cross include taking basic patient observations, performing basic first aid, communication skills, problem-solving skills, and other similar techniques that you are likely to need when working as a CNA.

The health, professional and personal requirements needed to train as a CNA will vary depending on the state you live in, your local state chapter will have information for the requirements of each individual state.

Once you have successfully completed the Red Cross CNA training program, you will need to register for and successfully pass the CNA exam; Otherwise, you will not be able to work and be recognized as a CNA in your state. The CNA exam can be taken at a number of local testing centers, you can ask your local Red Cross for your local testing center. It takes around 6-12 weeks to be ready to take the CNA exam, once you have completed your training you will be able to register to take the exam. Once you have completed and passed the CNA exam, only then can you get a job as a fully certified nursing assistant.

If you like the sound of completing your CNA training for free and with a world-renowned organization, then Red Cross CNA training may be just what you’ve been looking for. You can find your own local Red Cross chapter and call them for next steps.

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