As I sit here and just reflect on how my heart aches to see women walking around in nice clothes, impeccable makeup and great work, and man, but deep down inside, they still feel like something is missing. Look, given all that, you’d think the woman was passing by when you look at the outside. But oh, when she gets home and she has to look in the mirror, that woman looking back at her doesn’t look all that glamorous. I mean, she used to walk around with her hair done, nails and toes done, poorly dressed and only making a little money, so it looked like she was on the go, well guess what? this was past my breaking time and I was a raggedy mess!

This kind of life for me when it lasted for years and got out of control, I was so focused on not letting anyone see my pain that I masked it. Now, that was really dangerous because whenever I felt a little bit blue, I would go out and buy, I would buy all kinds of things and stuff. Once I got home I was now even more depressed because now I was trying to figure out what and him. I just spent $300 to $500 on this mess. Note that all of these were materialistic items and that all of this was strictly trying to cover up all the pain I felt inside. Newsflash, no amount of money, men, drugs, sex or anything can make you love and know yourself. So, keep reading because I want to share with you some ways how not knowing yourself will put you and put you in danger.

3 Signs that you don’t know yourself…

You constantly need the approval of others. Now, this one is so dangerous because you don’t allow yourself to make any kind of decisions because you’re afraid of what they will say. Or better yet, every time you do a great job on something, instead of patting yourself on the back, you don’t wait and look for others to do it. Well this right here can handicap and cripple you and keep you from getting out of the box and taking risks. Look, you have to learn to be your own biggest fan and if others encourage you, great, but if not, you can do it yourself.

You sleep with every man who says something sweet to you or gives you money. I could go on and on about this, but I won’t. I will share with you that doing this type of act will only lead to one or two things; unwanted pregnancy, STDs, or more than anything, low self-esteem. Every time you allow a man to enter your sanctuary without any commitment or marriage, you are looking for that man to rescue you and save you from yourself. STOP, he is not responsible for your happiness or for making you feel good about yourself. So, from this moment on, he deals with his problems and then he can make wise decisions.

You’re afraid to show all the great things you’re good at. You make yourself small because you lack the confidence to show the world what you’re made of. You’re afraid that people will think you’re all that and cocky because you might upstage them. Or sometimes you stay in a lower paying job, fearing your detractors. This right here is the quickest way for you to always be unhappy and dissatisfied with yourself. Stop worrying about what other people think because that is none of your business.

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