What a task is to lose weight and burn stubborn body fat like endomorph. For those who don’t know, an endomorph is basically the type of body that is predisposed to storing body fat. As an endomorph, it’s easy to gain weight and muscle, to be fair. It is the elimination of excess body fat that is the challenge.

Personally, I love lifting weights. The challenge with lifting weights as an endomorph is that the muscle is definitely built, but it is covered in a layer of fat, which never fully reveals the muscles. The typical appearance of an endomorph is “bulky.” But we really want to be cut off. We are the opposite of ectomorphs who have extreme difficulty building muscle as they have an overactive metabolism. Most likely, your body uses whatever muscle you put in for fuel, in addition to your fat storage.

Endomorphs, on the other hand, have an extremely slow metabolism. And apparently, our insulin sensitivity is quite high. Now, between the extremes of endomorph and ectomorph, is the mesomorph, with its perfect metabolism. Your body functions are optimized – the perfect balance between anabolism and catabolism. You could easily identify the mesomorph in the gym.

He’s the guy, or she’s the girl who doesn’t really need to exercise. They don’t break their asses on the treadmill or stair machine, and get hot and sweaty like endomorphs, nor do they pump half the iron to build mature muscle like ectomorphs. The mesomorph can work well on any diet. They can easily be bulked up on a high calorie diet or destroyed on a low calorie diet.

In hindsight, it’s obvious that bodybuilding and fitness magazines only focus on the mesomorph, as endomorphs and ectomorphs try recommended diets and various supplements just to bloat, have a leaky gut, acne, or some other side effect. Hmm, it seems like someone is not telling us the whole truth. I suspect that to maintain sales of these popular magazines (I will not mention any names), consumers must be in a perpetual state of confusion. One month a high carb diet is good (omitting crucial information about body type), another month low carb, high protein, with the obvious omission of body type.

I finally broke with this subscription-based brainwashing. I decided to go experiment. I have tried various diets, various exercise regimens, various supplements, and am in the process of creating a list of what works for my endomorphic body type.

You see, the media is so powerful. They have mastered the art of mass brainwashing. No wonder we get carried away so easily. We have an important role to play ourselves, as I am not going to blame the media or society. But another big contributor is the instant gratification mindset that is being bombarded into our brains and psyches.

We’ve gotten so used to the aggressive flavors of fast food that we don’t know how to appreciate natural flavors like raw salad and fresh fruits and vegetables.

What could that have to do with body type? Well, quite a lot. Highly refined cereals, processed foods, artificial sweeteners (including cornstarch), and deep-fried foods are enemies of all body types, primarily endomorphs, as an endomorph’s metabolism is quite slow.

Stay tuned as I will make some dietary recommendations based on personal experience, for the endomorph body type. I’ll also make the connection between blood type and body type, and the benefits (or lack thereof) of dietary grains, especially wheat, and the exercise routines / regimens that I find really ideal for the type. endomorphic body.

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