The Law of Attraction

The subject of the law of attraction has been done to death in the last 15 years. So much has been written and said, so much has been claimed, and yet there is still considerable confusion as to whether or not this really works.

The basis of the law of attraction is that “like attracts like”

This is expanded upon in “The Secret” and it is stated with certainty that:

# Your thoughts are magnetic and therefore have the power to attract situations, people and events into your life.

# Positive thoughts attract wealth, health and love.

# You have caused all the joy, happiness and satisfaction in your life with your positive thoughts.

# Negative thoughts attract poverty, illness and loneliness.

# You have caused all illness, misery and unhappiness in your life by your negative thoughts.

# How you think creates your reality.

# You are 100% responsible for your life.

The cosmic vending machine

The way this is usually sold is that if you think the right thoughts long enough, hard enough, you can manifest whatever you want and the “Universe” will deliver it into your life.

In this model, the “Universe” is seen as a cosmic vending machine.

Many of us have at some stage or another in our lives [often at times of desperation] I bought this and gave it a try.


Sometimes it works and more often it doesn’t.

When it doesn’t, we tend to react in one of two ways: we throw our copy of “The Secret” in the trash, grit our teeth, and move on in varying degrees of lonely despair, or decide we’ve lost ourselves. something and buy another book or take another course.

Please don’t think I’m mocking or putting down these behaviors. I have done both! I have experienced amazing success and positive results in my attempts to manifest things and abject soul destroying failures.

On the positive side, I have experienced financial success, wonderful relationships, health and healing, and on the negative side, I have experienced soul-crushing setbacks and seemingly intractable long-term defeats.

Here is a summary evaluation of the law of attraction:


# The law of attraction is a lie because it is a partial truth disguised as absolute truth.


# There is no scientific evidence to support the claim made by law of attraction masters that there is a direct causal link between your thoughts and the circumstances and events you create.

# There are a number of factors that can correlate how your thoughts determine your responses and the results you experience.


# The law of attraction is a belief presented as a fact, and in the absence of a scientific basis for this belief, it is not a fact and therefore false.


# There is a testable causal connection in the inner domain of your influence “here”, in the everyday material world, that how you respond to an event affects your experience of that event and the outcome that follows from it.

# We have no way of saying with certainty that intentions placed in the external domain – “out there” in the realms of possibility – have any correlation or causation of outcomes.


# In the internal realm of reaction/response and outcome, there is no scientific evidence that thoughts have resonance. The scientific claims, made by the masters of the law of attraction, about the magnetic resonance of thoughts are based on pseudoscience and as such are nonsense. What happens is based on cause and effect, not resonance.

# In the external domain, from a scientific perspective, there is no evidence that our thoughts have any effect on “outside things” or that “outside things” respond to our thoughts.

DO versus BE

# The idea of ​​just “putting it out there” and waiting for the cosmic vending machine to deliver its manifestation doesn’t make sense.

# There is no such thing as success without effort. This is verifiable based on empirical evidence from the lives of many successful people, including many of the Law of Attraction masters.

# The do approach is: [1] establish the “direction of travel”: have a vision and a goal; Y [2] develop a range of ‘how to’ skills – necessary to make the journey a success, specifically to recognize and act on opportunities as they arise, and to deal with disappointments and setbacks along the way.

# It is these skills that build the correlation between your answers and your results.

# Balance activity with non-activity – “doing without doing” – proceeding on a “doing-being-doing-being-doing” basis.

# Take direct action by acting on inner prompts and intuitions as they arise.


# One of the many reasons why the law of attraction doesn’t work and thoughts don’t create things is because the different levels of your mind are in conflict and working against each other.

# The “monkey mind” that has not been trained to stop thinking is full of “junk thoughts”.

# The key to developing a good working relationship with your mind is to have tools, techniques, and resources that work with all levels of your mind.

# The goal is for everyone to work together, moving it in the same direction at the same time!


The results you experience are determined by your responses to the events in your life.

This can be expressed as: Result = Event x Response

The strength and quality of your response is determined by the skills and experience you bring to the table.

The stronger your response, the better the result.

Your thoughts, feelings, and reactions are under your command and control, and will determine your responses to the events you experience.

You are 100% responsible for your responses to the events in your life and this, in turn, will shape, influence and create the results you seek that are aligned with your life purpose and vision.

I call this: “The law of response and result”

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