Akita female dogs will feed and indeed demand to feed their puppies until they are around eight weeks old. They continue to produce large amounts of milk and the fullness of their nipples stimulates them to feed their babies. The more they feed, the more milk is produced, so eventually you’ll need to give them a hand.

Obviously the pups won’t be as interested in feeding on their mother once you start feeding them. It’s hard to judge the right time to wean puppies. It should be when they look good but you have a feeling that a solid meal would give them that extra strength to stand up and move. It does not depend on the precise age of the litter: the puppies can be three and a half weeks old or four and a half weeks old. But when you see the puppies feeding ferociously, emptying the teat and quickly moving on to the next one, you’ll see that feeding times are turning into a frenzy foraging, and it’s time to start weaning.

I always weaned myself to solid food. We have found that Akita puppies do not kindly accept any milk other than their mother’s. We recommend that you use very finely chopped beef and place a small amount on your fingertips and let the pup sniff it. In a matter of seconds he brings the morsel to his mouth. The pup will soon realize that he not only tastes good, but it makes him feel good to have a nice full tummy. One teaspoon is enough for the first two or three times, usually at breakfast and tea. Again, keep a close eye on the toilet and use the sweeteners to regulate. Remember what we humans always tell us: “Healthy on the inside means healthy on the outside!”

It is a good idea to keep the mother away for longer periods when she is weaning. Even if you provide food, Akita puppies will still need their mother’s milk, which contains natural antibodies against disease. If you keep her away, the puppies will be more ready to accept your food and the mother will have a chance to replenish her milk supply. She may initially object, but her absences should gradually increase. If you feed the pups before she does, they won’t attract her as strongly when she returns.

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