Almost every day I receive emails from badminton players from all over the world telling me about their style of play on a badminton court. Then they ask me what is the best racket for their particular style of play.

If you have spent time reading my blog or forum, you probably already know the answer I would give you. However, for the reader who hasn’t been to this blog, here’s the answer I always give…

“Your style, technique, badminton experience, physique and muscle structure are different from mine and from anyone else. So how you feel about a badminton racket will also be different for me and any other player. This means that no one can advise you accurately.” what racket to use.

I honestly believe that the only person who can decide if a racket is right for you… is you. However, this means that you have to take your time and go through the experience of trying out different rackets.

And, this is where the big problem is. Most players do not have access to a wide range of badminton rackets. There are very few retailers that have demo rackets for players to try out on court, meaning it’s nearly impossible to pick the right choice on the first try.

Does experience count?

As your badminton experience grows, you develop a feeling or instinct for what you like about a racket and also what you don’t like. This experience, while invaluable, can sometimes be detrimental to his game. Let me give you an example…

A few years ago, I selected the Armortec 900 Power as my racket of choice. I really loved the racket and it seemed to cover so many aspects of my game. Not being a power player by nature, I needed the extra weight in the racket head to help me hit hard.

One day I was running a demo session with a player and for some reason I had a lot of issues defensively, causing me to question my decision on the AT900P. For the next season, I changed the rackets to Nanospeed 9900, which was very light. Immediately my defense “went back to normal” and for a while I was still hitting hard.

During the season I noticed that my big hit was being returned more often, which puzzled me. What had changed? It took me a while to realize that my body had adapted to the lighter head racket. Initially, switching from a head-heavy racket to a head-light racket meant my muscles were used to working harder to play an overhand shot. When I switched, the muscles worked just as hard, which initially gave me a better result. Over time, the muscles relaxed for some reason, which ultimately left me with a worse result.

So, I picked up my old AT900P and tried again. It felt sluggish at first, however when I started to squish there was an immediate improvement. Then I realized what had been going on and that I had been asking the wrong questions.

The lesson here is that despite my experience, I made a mistake jumping to conclusions without asking the right questions. Now I know what questions to ask before choosing a racket, do you?

ask the right questions

The first question you should ask yourself is…

1) Do I really need a new racket?

You see, many players create self-justifying beliefs that they need a new racket. Most of the time the facts are simple: you don’t need them. However, racket company marketing would have us believe that playing “that” racket will almost magically make you a better player. That is simply not true.

If you really want to see a significant improvement in your game, invest in a training course or coach. A good coach can do more to help you improve your game than any new racket.

Of course, if your racket has a crack or looks badly worn, it’s probably the right time to replace it. Let’s also remember that a good restring can also transform the performance of a racket, so test the string tension and type of string as well.

OK, we’ve covered the first point. What is the next question?

2) What are the features of my current racket that I really like/dislike?

You need to know why you like your existing racket because ultimately it is the guide, your starting point for where to start when choosing a replacement. If you like a medium flex shaft, this may be the most important feature you need in a new racket. Of course, try a flexible or rigid shaft racket to validate your knowledge, in case you find that your tastes have changed. Do the same for head weight, actual racket weight, and grip size, though I appreciate that some countries have limited offerings on some of these features compared to others.

3) What aspects of my game do I want to enhance with this new racket?

This question makes you first look at your current game to decide which are the most important features you would like to improve. Would a change of racket help a lot? The answer may be yes depending on what features are on your personal list.

4) What aspects of my game am I prepared to allow a drop in performance until I can fix them?

This is just as important as question 3. Let’s give you a quick example here. You’ve decided you want more power in your overdrive and so now you’re looking for a head-heavy racket. This will result in a reduction in your immediate ability on defense and around the net area as the racket head will move slower than its current model. However, this can be improved by simply doing my armchair exercises.

5) What am I willing to pay?

Obvious question, I know. We all play on a tight budget, so you need to weigh whether you’re looking for the most expensive rackets and maybe buying one racket, or if you’re going to compromise a bit and look at mid to budget priced rackets where you could conceivably buy two. or more of the same racquet (when you know it’s the racquet for you) and therefore have a spare for those times when you break a string, or worst case, break the frame in a collision.


I have covered a number of points here. Remember, no one can tell you exactly which badminton racket will suit you best. Of course, listen to other players, but remember, they are not you and therefore have completely different references to what makes a good racket. Ask them if they don’t mind me trying out their racket, then at least you have the knowledge to keep it on your likes list or you can immediately write it off as something completely weird and not worth investing in.

Use the questions I have given you and I hope you will make a more informed decision. Keep your ego out of the way. In other words, don’t buy the next big thing to come out of a manufacturer because your favorite player is using it. What suits them is unlikely to suit you and certainly won’t make you play like them! If you buy one of these rackets and then don’t like it, think about how you’ll look in front of your badminton friends. I’m sure some will think you have more money than common sense!

Lastly, keep in mind that you can get a much better return by investing in a trainer or training. Solving poor technical issues and helping you learn more skills will ensure you have them for life. Your badminton racket will rarely last this long.

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