There’s a popular misconception that when you’re trying to lose weight, protein isn’t an option, just like when you’re trying to build some muscle. The myth goes on to say that protein actually makes you bulky, not skinny, and that by building muscle, it will make you fat. The thing is, if you want to have a ripped physique and super flat, super defined abs, you need protein.

Protein is an important macronutrient that the body needs for energy, along with carbohydrates and fats. Proteins are very important molecules in our body because they help our body defend itself against germs that can cause multiple diseases and it also helps speed up chemical reactions. Typically found in meat, poultry, fish, certain types of grains, and vegetables, proteins come in different types that help the body in different ways. 20 different types of amino acid building blocks are needed to make the different types of proteins, and they are important because amino acids are primary sources of nitrogen, which is essential for proper muscle growth and repair. In bodybuilding, protein is absolutely essential because during intense training, more tissue than normal needs repair and when you don’t eat much protein, muscle can be lost and many of the body’s regulations are compromised, such as hormones and metabolism. PH levels in the body. blood.

This is one of the reasons many bodybuilders use protein powders because they are made from the amino acids needed to build muscle. Protein powders can help prevent muscle loss by helping to build and repair muscle tissue by maintaining a healthy nitrogen balance. Protein powders also help you recover from workouts that deplete your body of glycogen and require more muscle repair than normal. Whey protein powders in particular are fast absorbing and digested very quickly and are said to have higher protein levels than chicken or fish. Protein powders also help bodybuilders meet their required calcium intake, which contributes to strong bones that they need to support all the muscle they’re building.

However, many bodybuilding beginners find it difficult to choose which would be the best protein powder for them and often tend to choose the wrong one. In addition to whey, there’s also casein, which helps keep you in an anabolic state, or the state where muscle is built and not lost. It is digested slowly by the body, usually within 5-7 hours, so your body continues to use and absorb nutrients even while you sleep, which is the longest your body goes without protein. Bodybuilders also use casein to keep them full throughout the day. Egg protein, on the other hand, contains albumin which has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis because it has a high concentration of leucine which is responsible for stimulating muscle protein synthesis after a meal. For those looking for a vegetarian protein source, try soy protein as it is loaded with glutamine (for recovery), arginine (for faster blood vessel dilation to absorb nutrients into muscles faster) and BCAAs (for recovery as well).

The best protein powders for you will depend on your muscular or bodybuilding needs. You may want to use low carb protein powders if you are looking to maintain your weight or are on a regular diet, while weight gainers are for those who want to bulk up. The important thing is to take the time to read the label because the right type of protein will help you get the results you want.

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