In the book Women and Small Business, the author provides all the guidelines and tools necessary to start, operate and be successful in your own business. In the aforementioned book he tried in the first part to explain how the role of women in the world has changed over the centuries. In the second part, she investigated all the necessary skills of women who like to start their own business, differentiate between female and male owners, and gave them advice.

What is my reason for starting a business? What type of business can I start? What skills, interests, and personal qualities will I bring to the business? What are my strengths and weaknesses as a business owner? What fears must I overcome?

In the third part you gave a case study based on MS Project that could have a special use for your business ideas from the beginning to their realization in practice.TThis information will help you form some opinions about the climate in general and how your idea might work under current conditions. As they become more convinced of its potential, they can delve into the details that will ultimately become part of a formal business plan. Everything they discover will contribute to the potential for success of your idea. Dr. Mirjana Radovic pointed out that ideas are the currency of entrepreneurs and therefore they must play with many ideas and see which ones bring money and success. The reality is that some businesses may not be profitable enough to make a living. Other business ideas are simply not marketable in some business area or there may already be too much competition. They may or may not have enough capital to get the business off the ground or to secure adequate business financing. Therefore, this book provides the tools with which to make the decision whether or not to open your own small business.

In the fourth part of the study, she presented the latest research results related to women leaders and their position in the business world, that is, how people (divided into sex, age and level of education) see women leaders and if they trust He compared the results of one of the latest investigations in the US with the results in Serbia and Montenegro. His scientific task was to draw some conclusions and point out some special features of the Balkan region. Some limitation to achieve business success: business phobia, intuition and disease of directives among women. Finally, she presented some key points of her research work and presented a conclusion with an emphasis on the future position of women’s participation in the business, where for a long time there was male domination.

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