Do you have a child between 5 and 9 years old? That special season is a time of tremendous growth and development and can be a whirlwind to watch. I have the privilege of raising my fourth grade child. Here are some of my 10 favorite parenting tips for early school-age children.

1. It’s a big world.

The first years of school are exciting and stressful. Learning to listen to adults other than mom and dad and being alone for several hours each day is a tremendous leap forward in a child’s life. As a parent, be aware of this transition your child is going through and be patient and understanding.

2. Give them your trust.

A child of this age will often doubt his abilities. He will sometimes verbalize this lack of self-confidence; sometimes it remains his little secret. You can help him by sharing his own confidence in his abilities with him. Be realistic about his talents and express his absolute confidence in him, even if you have his own concerns.

3. Be interested.

What is your child learning about school? How was recess? What is your favorite part of school? What is bothering her? Staying interested in your child’s daily life goes a long way toward establishing a healthy, ongoing relationship.

4. Friendships count.

An elementary school child is learning a lot about friendships. What works and, frustratingly, what doesn’t. They are also learning that families work differently; what is a rule of thumb in your own family may not matter at all in another family. Learning that people do things differently is an important lesson at this stage.

5. Talk about values.

This is the age to solidify what values ​​are important to your family with your child. Ideas like:

– We’re nice. Why is this important?
– We are fair, even when others are not.
– We tell the truth, even when it gets us into trouble.

These important concepts MUST be grounded in your child now if you want him to live up to them when he reaches adolescence.

6. Don’t overload yourself.

On this day of multiple after-school activities, it’s easy to accumulate too much for the average elementary student. Your main ‘job’ is school, so allocate adequate time, space and support for homework. Once you’re done, free play time is important at this age, as most children spend several hours a day sitting at a desk in silence.

7. Family time is a priority.

Daily dinners together, a weekly game night, teamwork, a quiet moment reading or enjoying music together, playing sports as a family; Any of these ideas and many, many more are great ways to foster a sense of family in your home. Be sure to make time together a priority.

8. Celebrate the team.

Children this age need to know that they are part of something bigger than themselves, and the family structure can fulfill that need beautifully. Loving, playing, and working together are smart ways to strengthen your family for years to come, as well as enjoy each other today.

9. Have a family ‘thing’.

Building on parenting tip #8, pick a fun hobby the whole family can enjoy and get started right away. You can ride bikes, go camping, build model trains, raise rabbits, volunteer in your community, or investigate the stars together. Trust me, nothing will build family memories easier or better than a shared family hobby.

10. Teach personal responsibility.

This parenting tip is vital to your child’s long-term well-being. And it is quite simple to instill. Chores, homework, and learning new skills, like musical instruments or sports activities, are great ways to teach your growing school-age child to be responsible for himself and his possessions.

You now have 10 Parenting Tips for Elementary Age Children. Each of these tips has been tried and tested in my home and in thousands of other homes over the years. These parenting tips work… but only if you PUT them into practice with your family. Enjoy your family more by taking the guesswork out of parenting. Set these simple guidelines and reduce your stress load as a parent today.

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