It is true that vintage/retro is in style right now. All the old things from a bygone age are being taken away by the young.

My teenage son is a classic example of this. Although he likes new technologies, his Macbook and iPhone, he also likes all things old.

Vinyl records, 70/80 music and books. He even likes retro clothes that he gets online or from charity shops.

Very close to us for many years there was a vintage clothing store. Located in a prosperous area, it seemed to do quite well for many years, but suddenly closed. Now, for a business that is very trendy right now, why did it fail?

To find out more, I went online to see if the store had a website. The answer was no. Was it included in any directory? Only one gave a bit of information about his location and phone number, but nothing else about the store.

As online marketers, there are some key lessons to be learned from this.

1. Not understanding your market

For many years, this store thrived as wealthy older women parted with unwanted designer cocktail dresses and did a brisk business. Today’s fashionistas want items like this, but you have to know what you want.

Small businesses like this fail to research their chosen market and end up failing because they don’t meet customer needs. Online products have to do that to see a profit.

2.Poor marketing

If you want to sell to retro lovers, look for sites and blogs where these people hang out. Look at what the market is buying, start a dialogue with potential customers to find out their needs and satisfy them.

Have a website that showcases your products and a way for people to buy from you there. Buy some traffic with a Google AdWords campaign. The goal is to drive visitors to your site/store and start buying.

3. Bad location

They say location is everything. That’s not strictly true in the virtual world. You can be literally anywhere. Make sure you can deliver your products or services anywhere in the world as the internet gives you a global marketplace.

4. Too small?

A small shop cannot make a dent in the universe. In today’s world, size is not an issue. You don’t need fancy shops or offices. Create the right environment for customers. Even if you are a man and a dog, you create real value and people will buy.

5. I can’t compete

In today’s world, we are told that competition is killing business. If you have a good product that people want and want, price is never an object. Whatever you sell, make sure it feels more satisfying than any similar product.

6.Restricted time

If you have a store, you may be limited by when you can sell. In the global world of the Internet you can sell 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An online presence opens up the world wide web and an international market for your products.

7. Think modern, not old

Selling online is all about embracing new ideas. Don’t get sucked into old ways of doing things. While they still work, there are now better ways to achieve business success. Embrace new ideas and ways of doing business for the new age.

8. Past success does not guarantee future success.

Don’t assume past success means you’ll do the same in the future. If something doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to stop and change. Be prepared to learn new things and adopt new strategies for the future success of your online business.

9. Fear of failure

Too many people don’t do things for fear of failure. In business, be prepared to fail and do the wrong thing. We learn from our mistakes, not from our successes. Not being successful makes us think and do things differently until we succeed.

10. If it doesn’t work, don’t give up.

Too often, if things don’t happen, people give up. They lose faith and drive. This is the time to step up and take affirmative action. Change what you’re doing and try a different tactic. Entrepreneurial success is about developing new ways to achieve success.

At a time when we compare the old with the new, it is important to embrace modern thinking. While the vintage/retro market may be all the rage, you need to take advantage of the opportunities of the digital age to build your online marketing future and not be left behind.

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