Do you want your husband to lose weight? Or do you want the family to adopt a better and healthier lifestyle? You have to start by creating some healthy meal plans. It’s best to make about 4-5 meal plans and then rotate them so you get plenty of variety in your meals. Here are some tips for healthy meal plans for your family:

1. When making healthy meal plans, be sure of one thing: breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, and also the most ignored. See that your family eats a healthy breakfast. You can include healthy cereals, sprouts, fresh fruits and juices at breakfast. It is best to eat three meals a day and two snacks between them. Eating more may sound unhealthy, but eating smaller portions more often is actually healthier. Increase metabolism and burn more fat. Also, it reduces the tendency to eat out at night.

2. Be sure to include some carbohydrates in healthy meal plans. Although most people think that carbohydrates are bad for you, your body needs some of them to function properly. You need some energy to function, and carbohydrates are the source of that energy. You can select whole wheat options such as bagels, waffles, or toast. Also, if you have growing children, be sure to include calcium in your breakfast. It’s good for women too. Have a small glass of skimmed milk or a cup of yogurt. Include eggs at breakfast as they are an excellent source of protein.

3. For the first snack, choose something light and small. But it must be satisfying to keep your family full until lunch. You can eat nuts for energy, but try to avoid fattening ones (like cashews). You can choose almonds and walnuts instead. Also, low sugar flavored water would be a nice addition. Then for lunch, include a protein-rich diet such as tofu burgers, vegetables, and fruit. You can also eat grated cheese along with spinach leaves and a slice of tomato.

4. For the second snack of the day, include a couple of fruits. You can also give them a few slices of cheddar cheese. And if they’re craving salt, pack some mini pretzels. Plan dinner to be light since you are going to sleep afterwards. You can eat some fruit, salad and a light protein dish. There must be at least a gap of one hour between eating and sleeping. In this way, your body will digest the food easily and you will be able to sleep better.

When making healthy meal plans, be sure to prepare enough servings for each food group. Rotate your menus so your family doesn’t complain about a lack of variety.

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