To work on a broken relationship there are more apologies and false promises. If you are deeply in love and long to restore your life, use your head and take an unconventional approach.

Create a position of ‘I miss you’ by being indifferent to her. Resist making any communication. This would create space and time to think and act rationally.

Do not show your weakness by unleashing your grievance even if it kills you. Mask your emotions and make your partner feel that you are enjoying life. Use your time and potential to develop your personality and try to be unique.

Once you deal with the situation, try to look back on the cause of the problem. Learn from your mistakes and accept it. Try to take charge of the situation and work on it.

Do not rush to patch up. She studies his intentions. Communicate and be open without mental blocks. Enjoy each other’s company and avoid making jokes because remember that she knows you. Be careful not to rub the wrong way and aggravate the situation.

It is not easy to mend broken relationships because it takes time to heal the wounds. It can be done with determination, sacrifice and responsibility on your part to try. This does not mean becoming vulnerable. Put on a brave front and appear okay with the breakup. Show that you respect the couple’s decision to break up. This would enhance their dignity and maturity.

Avoid the use of poor tactics and manipulations and do not tarnish your image because even the slightest chance of meeting will be remote.

The relationship is like a fragile glass that must be handled with care. Make sure there is no pressure from family or friends to get together. If so, it will be frizzy in no time. Have an open discussion to clear up any misunderstandings. If there was any abuse seek the help of a counselor.

Remember that breakups are not final, there is always room for reunion. But don’t let fate take its course. If you are deeply in love with your ex. And still feel like it’s worth the effort, go ahead and do everything in your power to get together and start over.

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