You can ask any rodeo rider, and they will tell you that mechanical bulls are quite fun and do quite well. However, if you ask someone who is an expert in riding a mechanical bull to ride a real bull, you will have quite a few challenges. They are not the same. Now that is not to say that some of the mechanical bulls are not highly sophisticated robotic systems that mimic the movements of a real bull.

However, “you can’t learn to write a bike in a seminar” and you can’t learn to ride a bull on a simulated bull in a country bar. And just because you can work with the advanced settings, it doesn’t mean you can ride a named bull; The Widowmaker. In the future, I have no doubt that these bull riding machines will feel the same way, and the computer that runs them will be able to take a real bull, measure every hit and grind, and put that into the simulation.

In fact, computer scientists and robotic engineers have that ability. In fact, in the future, a mechanical bull may be so similar to riding a real bull, that you could actually learn from it and hone your skills. Of course, in the same way it will be quite dangerous and you could be seriously injured. This is no laughing matter, any rider who doesn’t keep his balance can easily break his jaw or lose all of his front teeth when hitting the front of a bull, or in this case a mechanical simulation.

Who knows, maybe animal rights activists could eventually shut down bull riding due to cruelty to animals. Yes, I can hear rodeo fans saying now; over my dead body! But even if that happened, the mechanized version would replace the real bull and the sport would surely still live on. It is too exciting a sport to fade into the country twilight.

There are several companies that make mechanical bulls, and many of them have various setups for beginners, intermediate, and advanced. And children will always try to create their own mechanical devices in their backyards when they grow up. I know we had one in our backyard. A 55 gallon drum with a chair on top, attached to four telephone stumps with giant springs. It seemed real enough at the time, but if you watch pro-rodeo on TV, you can start to see that it’s not enough.

In fact, it may have been fun for us kids when we were in school, but professional rodeo riders need to be respected, and they definitely respect the bulls they ride, the real ones. Because if they don’t, they’ll eat their lunch and that’s not a mechanical rudder. In fact, I hope you will please consider all of this and think about it.

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