Scrabble is a popular family game for all ages, this article looks at the benefits of scrabble for kids and adults alike.

Scrabble was invented by Alfred Mosher Butts in 1948, and has been a favorite game for generations of families ever since. Scrabble is not only a great educational tool to develop word skill and understanding, but also helps in lateral thinking and vocabulary enhancement.

Scrabble has surpassed several other competing word games in popularity over the years, finding new life in online word games like Words with Friends for entirely new generations of people. With the advent of the Internet, a wide range of additional tutorials, tips and tricks have become commonly available. There are various experts who spend their time producing a Scrabble dictionary, word lists or tricks to develop players from beginners to advanced players who can compete in online tournaments and competitions.

The health benefits for children are numerous, from developing an excellent vocabulary to the ability to critically weigh different strategies. It’s a great skill to teach a child to think beyond the immediate gratification of creating a word now, instead of holding the letters to play a longer, higher-scoring word later. In addition to these benefits, the ability to patiently see a game through to the end is an invaluable asset that will help a child in life in general.

The mental focus required to figure out different word choices in Scrabble also puts the brain in a meditative state much like taking a yoga class or meditating. Taking this time to deliberately relax and get some mental exercise is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Although this is great for general relaxation at night, one recommendation that has been made is that you shouldn’t play scrabble too soon before bed, as it will leave your brain in a “jigsaw puzzle” state for an hour or two. and make it more difficult to fall asleep. Scrabble is a very analytical game that is similar to solving Sudoku or playing a paper and pencil game like hangman. Gradually absorbing the rules and knowing when to consult the Scrabble dictionary builds confidence and vocabulary.

In addition to these benefits, it’s a great social outlet for seniors who get together to play Scrabble. Many friendships have been forged by people who met playing Scrabble, whether at a nursing home or a youth group for teens. Taking the time to share a competitive game with another person is a wonderful icebreaker, and by carefully observing the type of words a person makes, you can determine their interests and views on the world. If you get really good, you can enter tournaments and extend your competition beyond just playing each other in the realm of expert play.

If you’re having trouble with your scrabble game, be sure to check out online resources that can improve your skills with easy-to-remember word lists, articles, and scrabble tricks to help you get a quick edge on your opponent.

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