It doesn’t matter if it’s the title of your latest blog post, the subject line of an email, the headline of a web page, or an online sales page, you need to create copy that compels the reader to take a closer look. what you are writing. Not sure if your headline is compelling enough to motivate a reader to want to learn more? The following tips will help you create headlines that engage your readers.

1. Ask a question in your headline, readers have a natural tendency to want the answer.
Example: “Do you have one of the nine signs of a poverty mindset?”

2. Appeal to your reader’s emotions, strong feelings, illicit interest and response. Example: “Is fear of failure holding you back?”

3. Use an adjective – Adding an adjective to your headlines provides a simple benefit in that it makes the article sound more interesting and useful. Use them wisely and sparingly, remember: every adjective you use is an unsubstantiated claim that could lead to skepticism from your audience, especially if you go overboard.

4. Sell the Benefits – A headline is a miniature sales statement, make sure the reader understands how the benefit of your product or service can help them. Example “10 Amazing Sales Letter Ideas” becomes “10 Amazing Sales Letter Ideas That Will Triple Your Conversion Rates.”

5. The celebrity factor: We live in a culture that focuses on celebrity, whether we like it or not. So you could also exploit this fact where appropriate. Example: “Richard Branson uses this technique and you should too”

6. Create a sense of urgency: Curiosity may not be enough to engage your readers; sometimes an extra sense of urgency is needed. Example: “What you absolutely need to know before buying another insurance policy”

7. Be brief.

9. Use the “How To” title: This is similar to the question title, but provides advice and research and lets the reader know that they can expect to learn something by reading your material. Example: “How to increase your customer base in 5 easy steps”

9. Break the rules: Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, sales tactics can all be forgotten if it means getting your message across to your readers in a more effective and powerful way.

10. Make your subtitles your headlines: Sometimes you can get stuck trying to create your title. Write your subheadings and body first. Very often the essence of your message is in the subheads, try using them for your headline and create new subheads based on this.

11. Avoid cliches: Cheap and easy shortcuts are never a good substitute for creativity and innovation.

12. Use Numbers – Your readers want to easily understand information, numbers can help achieve this. Example: “Top 10 Methods to Boost Your Immune System”

Use some or all of these tips to create headlines that grab your readers’ attention. Force them to learn more about what you have to say and communicate your message clearly.

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